The bustling market town of Skipton is known as "the gateway to the Dales" and is also a popular visitor destination in it's own right.
The grand 11th-century castle makes a dramatic centrepiece to the town, which has quaint streets, an award-winning market (held every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) and lots of shops, cafés, pubs and restaurants. The Town Hall is home to the Craven Museum.
The town is a transport hub, being served many buses and is also on the Leeds-Settle-Carlisle, Leeds-Lancaster/Morecambe and Leeds/Bradford - Skipton railway lines and the Leeds-Liverpool canal.
The bus station is located on Keighley Road on the edge of the town centre.
Bus service information is available from Skipton Railway Station (on Broughton Road), Skipton Library (on the High Street) and Skipton Visitor Information Centre (in the Town Hall on the High Street).
Visit the Welcome to Skipton website for more information about the town and the many events held there.